Friday, June 25, 2010

Task 6
In your opinion, how should the industrial design community react to the climate change solution discussed in this movie?
This animation from is very interesting they also have other interesting and easy to understand videos from that website. Major companies are influencing government parties to make treaties that benefit themselves to pocket a lot of money. I believe people around the first world countries are ignorant because they do not know the price that is being paid for their life style and this is due the information provided by the companies believing that they are helping the environment. But if people are exposed to the actual harm that earth is facing then they can have an actual idea of the destruction caused which can ultimately open their eyes and lend a helping hand.
Since designers have the ability to shape the way we live I reckon that designers should tackle carbon emissions by designing products that rely on reusable energy resources. Backed by the public who will be in demand of these products therefore this would force companies to follow this new trend set by designers which would lead to less use of carbon emissions.

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